

A gruff human druid named Sulat found Rogsara in the Pipitul Woodlands as a baby beside the remains of her parents who were slaughetered by a pekalese raiding party. The raiding party left nothing of value but they did leave her mothers diary which Sulat picked up. Through the diary, Sulat learned the name of Rogsara and of her father (Faru) and mother (Inala). This is the only evidence of the identity of her parent that Rogsara has.

The druid did not like people much, but he had a good heart and adopted Rogsara. She lived with him in the woods until she became of age and started wanting to know about the world.

Sulat took contact with his brother, marquis Fanam D'Melpar in Paketa and asked him to accept Rogsara into his household. He hired her as a guard and - due to her expertise with the bow - she was also a part of his hunting parties responsible for killing the wildlife that was only wounded by the nobles.

Rogsara has been in the service of the marquis ever since. She has become close friends with a young Fhokki guardsman, Ragil, who is also in the service of the marquis. Like Rogsara, Ragil is not from town and both being strangers and hired by the marquis about the same time, they sought each others company.

Another person who has become close to Rogsara is Takane, the daughter of the marquis. Takane is very beautiful, selfaware and she often slips away from the estate into the city where she parties as there is no tomorrow. This often attracks trouble; men fight over her and their wifes attack her. Rogsara intervened once when Takane was cought in the middle of a fight and they became friends. Poor Ragil is hopelessly in love with Takane who is aware of his state of mind but does not have equally feelings. She treats him nicer than she treats other men in his situation, though, Ragil being a friend of Rogsara's.

The last close friend that Rogsara has is old Saryf, a dejy citizen who owns a small store simply called: "Bows and Arrows". Rogsara usually buys the raw materials for her arrows in his shop and the old man has taken the time to teach Rogsara about making arrows and bows and about using them. Saryf has a very special love for archery which Rogsara shares.

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